As a beginner, just getting started may pose the biggest challenge. Check out these 7 basic steps to take when learning how to successfully write grants. Read more…

Are you looking to launch a new program, improve a current ministry, or further the Kingdom of God in another way? Securing grant funding can be a significant stepping stone for organizations and individuals to accomplish just that! But let’s be real … We can do it, we just need the money!
As a beginner, it is so easy to get held up on questions like: Where do I start? How do I research appropriate grants? What can I ask for? In this blog, we will provide 7 basic steps to take now to begin your journey to successfully writing grants. This guide will outline what grant writing entails and how to get started.
Grant, Grant, Baby! Let's Get the Facts Straight: What's the Deal with Grants?
Step 1: Understand grants
Before diving into actually writing the grant, it's crucial to understand what grants are and how they function. Grants are financial awards given by foundations, government agencies, or other entities to support specific projects or activities. These grants can vary in size, scope, and requirements, but they typically require a proposal outlining the program’s goals, plan, budget, and expected outcomes.
Step 2: Identify the program and funding need(s)
To begin writing a grant proposal, you must first identify the program or initiative you want to pursue. This happens by clearly defining the need for your program’s existence, its mission and vision, goals, objectives and the outcomes you aim to achieve. Additionally, assess your funding needs by estimating the budget required for your program to operate, including personnel, supplies, and other relevant expenses. You need to determine what elements you can contribute and what elements need to be funded from outside sources, including participation fees, partnership contributions, or grant funding.
Step 3: Research grant opportunities
Once you have a clear understanding of your project and how you plan to either launch or take it to the next level, it's time to explore potential grant opportunities. Conduct thorough research to identify organizations, foundations, or government agencies that align with your project's mission and goals. This may seem intimidating but it is as simple as doing a Google search for exactly what you are looking to fund.
For example, “Grant Funding for a New Childcare Located in Richmond, IN”. You will begin to see results that come from local entities, larger governmental agencies, and other options in between. Click on each link and begin reading two main sections: The Grantor’s Description of what type of program they plan on funding and the Eligibility Guidelines to ensure you are not wasting your time applying for a grant that you will not be rewarded. Once you have this list of potential grant proposals to tackle, you are ready to move forward!
Step 4: Develop a compelling proposal
Now it’s time to write! Crafting a compelling grant proposal is essential for catching the attention of the reviewers and increasing your chances of success. A well-written proposal typically includes the following elements:
Executive Summary: Provide a concise overview of your project, emphasizing its significance and expected outcomes. You’ll frequently be asked to provide an overview of the entire organization, too.
Introduction: Clearly state the problem or need your program aims to address and explain why it's important to the target audience or community.
Goals and Objectives: Outline specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives for your project.
Methodology: Describe in detail the methods and activities you will employ to achieve your goals. Provide a clear timeline and demonstrate your expertise and capacity to execute the program successfully.
Evaluation and Sustainability: Explain how you will evaluate the program’s progress and measure its impact. Also, discuss plans for sustainability beyond the grant period.
Budget: Develop a comprehensive budget that details all anticipated expenses and justifies the costs. Ensure your budget aligns with the funding organization's guidelines.
Supporting Documentation: Include any additional supporting materials requested by the funding organization, such as resumes, letters of support, or data to strengthen your proposal.
Step 5: Seek feedback, then revise
Before submitting your grant proposal, it is imperative to seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or experts in your field. After you have read your own grant a million times, you will not see errors or incomplete thoughts. Incorporate their suggestions and revise your proposal accordingly.
Review your proposal multiple times for clarity, coherence, and adherence to the guidelines. Specifically go to each question, find the main point of the question and find where you have answered it fully. Trust me, this will not be a waste of time as you run into areas that may not be clearly written or major topics not covered.
Step 6: Submit the proposal
Finally, it’s go time! When you're confident in the quality of your proposal, follow the submission instructions provided by the funding organization. Pay close attention to the submission deadline date and time. Yes, time is a factor - some grantors do not list a time in which it is safe to assume 11:59 pm. Other grantors will specifically indicate a time such as June 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm.
Then ensure all required documents are included and in the requested format (Pdf, Word, Excel, etc). If this matters enough for them to spell it out, let it matter to you. Finally, submit your proposal through the designated method given in the proposal, such as an online portal or by mail.
Step 7: Follow-up and evaluation
This is also known as the waiting period. After submitting your grant proposal, be patient and await the funding organization's decision. I know this is the toughest part when you are checking your inbox daily, waiting on the funds to hit your bank account or the check to arrive at your front door. It is well worth the wait and the best part about writing grants is, they never stop. You can occupy your time with writing another grant while you wait to receive feedback on your submission. If your proposal is successful, celebrate! If not, learn from your mistakes and make improvements for your next proposal!
One last tip - Make sure to add multiple calendar reminders to check your email, mailbox, and phone so you do not miss your notification!
Have a Grant-Venture Time unraveling the mysteries of grant funding!
If you find yourself still facing challenges in your grant writing endeavors, remember that you don't have to navigate the journey alone. Our Exousia Team is here to provide further assistance and support. We offer a range of comprehensive grant writing services and resources tailored to your specific needs such as:
These services are designed to help you overcome any obstacles and secure the funding you have been praying for. Reach out to us today and let us help you unlock the full potential of your grant proposals. Together, we can make your vision a reality!