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Writer's pictureMcKenzie Westland

Brace for Impact: How to Write a Grant Impact Statement!

Learn how to write powerful grant impact statements and propel grant proposals towards triumph. Unravel the secrets of crafting compelling impact statements and brace for a future of grant writing success.


In the realm of grant writing, the pursuit of funding for a cause or project is not merely about presenting an impressive plan or budget. While these elements hold significance, understanding and conveying the impact of the proposed initiative is the true catalyst for attracting support and securing grants.

Impact is the driving force that sets apart an ordinary proposal from an extraordinary one. In this blog, we will delve into the world of impact statements, exploring what they are, why they are crucial, how to craft compelling impact statements, and how they can create a lasting change that resonates with funders and society at large.

The Power of Impact Statements

At the core of any successful grant proposal lies the ability to answer one critical question: "Why does it matter?"

Impact statements are the persuasive narratives that seek to address this question by demonstrating the potential effect and meaningful change that the proposed project can bring about. By focusing on the outcomes and benefits, impact statements move beyond describing what you plan to do and delve into why it matters in the broader context.

Impact statements serve as a guiding light for both the grant writer and the funder. When well-crafted, they evoke a sense of purpose and direction, igniting passion in those seeking funding and inspiring hope in those who have the means to support transformative projects. Moreover, impact statements offer a glimpse of the future—a vision of what could be achieved if the project receives the necessary resources. They serve as beacons of hope that can mobilize communities, organizations, and individuals to unite in the pursuit of a common goal.

Importance of Impact Statements

  1. Demonstrate Purpose: Impact statements serve as the soul of a grant proposal, breathing life into an otherwise rigid document. They showcase the purpose and essence of the project, providing funders with a clear understanding of its significance.

A well-crafted impact statement establishes the "why" behind the project, igniting passion and enthusiasm in both the grant writer and the funder. It communicates a sense of urgency, compelling the funder to act and invest in something meaningful and transformative.

  1. Emotional Connection: Beyond the facts and figures, impact statements have the power to forge an emotional connection with the reader. Emotions play a crucial role in decision-making, and when funders feel invested in the cause, they are more likely to provide support.

Sharing heartfelt stories of individuals whose lives will be positively impacted by the project can create an empathetic connection that compels funders to take action. Check out Grant Writing Strategies That Get Attention to further empower your grant writing skills and make a lasting impression on funders.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations: Crafted thoughtfully, impact statements provide a realistic picture of the anticipated results. They allow funders to visualize the project's potential outcomes, making them more confident in their investment.

By outlining achievable goals and objectives, impact statements help set clear expectations and build trust between the grant writer and the funder.

  1. Build Credibility: Impact statements that are backed by well-researched data and compelling evidence build credibility. Funders are more likely to support projects that have a strong foundation of knowledge and expertise.

Utilizing existing research, statistics, and case studies to substantiate your impact claims enhances the proposal's credibility, increasing the chances of securing funding.

  1. Empower Stakeholders: Impact statements do not merely serve the purpose of attracting funding; they also empower stakeholders. When members of the community, project beneficiaries, and partnering organizations see the potential impact laid out in a clear and compelling manner, they are more likely to actively engage in the project.

A well-crafted impact statement can unite stakeholders under a common vision and motivate them to contribute their expertise, resources, and networks to ensure the project's success.

Writing Impact Statements that Shine

  • Be Specific: Avoid vague language and focus on concrete details. Use quantifiable data whenever possible to illustrate the magnitude of the impact. For instance, rather than stating that your project will "improve community health," specify the number of lives that will be positively impacted, the percentage reduction in health disparities, or the increase in preventative healthcare access.

  • Use the SMART Framework: Frame your impact statements using the SMART criteria - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework helps create clear and actionable impact statements. Define precise goals, establish measurable indicators to track progress, and set realistic timelines for achieving the desired outcomes.

For example, “By implementing a comprehensive health education program over the course of the next year, we will decrease the obesity rate by 15% among children and adults in the community, as measured by pre- and post-intervention assessments, utilizing evidence-based practices, collaborating with local healthcare providers and schools, and closely monitoring the progress and outcomes, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more resilient community.”

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your impact statements to resonate with the values and priorities of the funding organization. Understanding their mission and vision will help you craft statements that align with their objectives.

Additionally, researching the funding organization's previous grants can provide insights into the types of projects they have supported, guiding you in shaping your impact statements to match their interests.

  • Tell Compelling Stories: Humanize your impact statements by incorporating real-life stories and testimonials. Stories have a unique ability to evoke emotions and make a lasting impression.

Sharing the personal journey of someone whose life has been positively transformed by a similar initiative adds a human touch that resonates deeply with funders.

  • Showcase Sustainability: Funders are often interested in projects that have long-term viability and can continue making a difference beyond the grant period. Highlight the sustainability of your initiative in your impact statements.

Explain how your project will continue to thrive after the grant funding ends, either through community engagement, partnerships with other organizations, or revenue-generating models.

  • Involve Collaborators and Beneficiaries: Impact statements gain added strength when developed in collaboration with those who will benefit from the project. Involve community members, stakeholders, and potential beneficiaries in the impact statement development process through the power of networking. Building strong connections and engaging with these individuals will not only enrich the narrative but also ensure that the impact statement is more representative and powerful. Remember, it's not just what you know, but who you know that can make all the difference. If you want to dive deeper into the art of networking and discover its true potential, be sure to check out "It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know."

Tying It All Together

Impact statements form the bedrock of successful grant writing. They encapsulate the heart and soul of a project, inspiring funders to rally behind a cause. When crafting impact statements, remember to be specific, use the SMART framework, understand your audience, tell compelling stories, and emphasize sustainability. By showcasing the potential ripple effects of the proposed project, you can ignite passion and secure the necessary support to turn your vision into reality.

In the world of grant writing, it is not just about seeking funds; it is about making a difference. And with powerful impact statements, you can pave the way for transformative change and leave a lasting mark on the world. As grant writers, we have the privilege and responsibility to advocate for causes that matter, to effect positive change, and to create a better future for our communities and society as a whole.

Through impact statements, we can communicate the significance of our projects, touch the hearts of funders, and empower stakeholders to join hands in achieving a shared vision. Each well-crafted impact statement serves as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a future where positive change is not just a distant dream but a tangible reality.

As we embark on our grant writing journeys, let us remember the profound influence of impact and let it guide our words, aspirations, and commitment to creating lasting change. With each impact statement, we contribute to a world of progress, compassion, and hope, building a legacy of transformation for generations to come.

Still unsure where to start when writing your impact statement? We have a worksheet just for you! Exousia’s worksheet packet has all kinds of helpful resources to help you craft a winning grant proposal including a worksheet just for impact statements!

Key topics: Grant writing for nonprofits, how to write an grant impact statement, grant writing tips, learn how to write grant proposals

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